The Truth About CBD For Child & Adolescent Anxiety

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Parents are looking to CBD for kids to manage the symptoms of childhood anxiety.

Because when your child is living with anxiety, you want to support their health in the best way possible.

Let’s unpack the current science of CBD and weigh the pros and cons of CBD for soothing anxiety symptoms and promoting calmness.

Key Take-outs

  • Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions in children and young people.
  • Studies about the safety and benefits of CBD for kids are promising and more research is needed.
  • Parents considering CBD must be well informed and work with their child’s health team.

What is CBD?

Won’t CBD get you stoned? The short answer is no.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis (hemp and marijuana) plant. Unlike THC, the psychoactive compound responsible for the ‘high’ associated with marijuana, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t cause mind-altering effects.

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in CBD and its role in supporting a broad range of physical and mental health conditions, from pain management to epilepsy and depression. Not surprisingly, we’re now exploring how it might help children and young people.

CBD is gaining a reputation for its potential to help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and promote relaxation. This makes it an appealing option for parents looking for natural ways to support their children’s well-being.

The video below discusses CBD and how it is being used to treat anxiety.

Childhood Anxiety & CBD – The Research

No parent wants to see their child live with the debilitating symptoms of chronic anxiety. It can affect a child’s social, educational, and emotional world as well as family functioning. As the use of CBD enters the mainstream, parents are asking if it is a possible addition to their child’s therapeutic support.

While CBD is a hot topic in anxiety research, studies focusing on the particular needs of children are more limited. However, early research and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD could have anxiety-reducing properties for children as well as adults.

CBD Gummes for Kids

Small-scale studies have indicated that CBD may help reduce symptoms of anxiety in specific cases, like social anxiety disorder and PTSD. More rigorous studies are needed to understand its effectiveness and safety in children. Still, many parents have found CBD to be a helpful addition to their child’s anxiety management toolkit when used responsibly and under medical supervision.

Studies are limited but so far indicate a therapeutic benefit in CBD for children and adolescents. A review of studies has found CBD helpful for children and young people, especially kids who live with social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and PTSD (1).

Another study found that CBD helped reduce anxiety severity by over 40% in young adults with treatment-resistant anxiety (2). A recent study (2023) found that the evidence points to the potential therapeutic use of CBD with a range of childhood neurodevelopmental and mental health issues and that more studies are required (3).

The Pros and Cons of CBD for Kids

More and more parents are searching for ways to soothe and smooth the distress their children experience from anxiety. To make the best choice for your child, it is essential that you have a well-rounded understanding of CBD and the current evidence for its use.


1. Safety

One of the reasons CBD is getting attention is because of its relatively safe profile. Unlike pharmaceutical treatments, CBD does not carry the risk of severe side effects or addiction when used responsibly.

Products like CBD gummies for kids offer a more palatable and accessible form, making it easier for parents to administer a consistent dose. With some great flavors, CBD oil is gaining in popularity.

The short-term potential side effects of CBD can include drowsiness, changes in appetite, and digestive issues. These typically resolve fairly quickly.

2. Few Adverse Interactions

CBD generally has fewer interactions with other medications compared to traditional pharmaceuticals for anxiety. This makes it an attractive option for children already taking medications for other conditions.

Fewer does not mean none! It’s still crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing CBD, as it does have known interactions, for example, drugs that are metabolized by the liver.

3. Non-Addictive

Unlike some anxiety medications, CBD is not habit-forming and doesn’t come with withdrawal or dependency risks (4). For parents concerned about the complexities of managing long-term pharmaceutical treatments, CBD may offer a simpler, natural alternative.


1. Unknown Risk

While CBD has a promising safety profile, it’s not without risks. The long-term effects of CBD use, particularly in children, are not well understood. While we know about a key way in which CBD works (endocannabinoid system) to relieve anxiety symptoms, the way it impacts other body systems in the long term, is less well known.

2. Lack of Conclusive Research

Because CBD use with children is still relatively new, it’s essential to remain cautious about unknown long-term effects. We know that the developing brain is sensitive to a wide range of environmental, chemical, and drug interventions.

Even though early studies are promising, there isn’t enough large-scale, long-term research on CBD’s effects on children. While there are no immediate concerns, this lack of information needs to be considered. Without clear data, it’s difficult to recommend CBD as a first-line treatment for anxiety in kids.

3. Community Values

CBD is still a somewhat controversial treatment, with varying opinions on its use in general, let alone for children. You may find a lack of support from your health team, family, and others if you consider the use of CBD.

A 2022 survey by Mott Children’s Hospital (5) found that more than 75% of parents know little or nothing about CBD use for kids’ health conditions.

Knowing side effects, that it’s been tested for safety, that it works, and their doctor’s recommendations would be important factors in using it.

Some communities may not be fully accepting of parents choosing CBD as a treatment option, and legal regulations can vary by state.

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CBD for Kids – A Parent’s Guide

If you are interested in considering CBD to support your child or teen, three key steps will help guide you toward a confident decision.

1. Assessment

A holistic assessment of your child with an experienced healthcare professional is the first step. Age, symptoms, treatment experiences, and other health conditions create the basis of a therapeutic approach.

Anxiety can stem from a wide range of issues, and in some cases, therapy or lifestyle changes may be more appropriate treatments. Some forms of anxiety are associated with neurodevelopmental conditions and the use of CBD needs to be in the context of a complex treatment and support plan. As indicated by the research, CBD shows promise for some anxiety presentations more than others.

One area of particular promise is in the treatment of trauma.  Many young people who experience traumatic events develop anxiety as a coping mechanism. CBD is being explored for its potential to modulate the body’s response to stress and reduce the hyperactivity of the nervous system often seen in trauma-related anxiety.

2. Choose a Product

CBD comes in various forms, such as oils, capsules, and gummies. CBD gummies for kids are often preferred because they are easy to take and dose. However, oils may provide more flexibility in adjusting the dose which can be super-useful in establishing optimal dose and frequency and for non-standard dose.

best cbd for anxiety

However, oils may provide more flexibility in adjusting the dose which can be super-useful in establishing optimal dose and frequency and for non-standard dose.

When selecting a CBD product, always make sure it comes from a reputable source. Look for third-party lab testing to verify purity and strength.

Organic and broad-spectrum products are generally recommended, as they contain less risk of contamination from pesticides or THC. It is a bit counter-productive to treat anxiety with a poor-quality, toxic product.

3. Dose

Dosing CBD for children should always be done with care. Start with the lowest recommended dose and increase slowly as needed.

It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare practitioner who is familiar with pediatric CBD use to ensure the correct dosage based on your child’s weight, age, and symptoms.


How Common is Anxiety in Children & Adolescents?

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions in children and adolescents. It affects around 7% of children in the U.S. Many cases go undiagnosed or untreated, often due to lack of awareness or resources.

How is Anxiety Managed in Children?

Anxiety is typically managed through a combination of therapy (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy), lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, medication. Therapy focuses on developing coping strategies, while medication is used to manage symptoms in severe cases.

Can CBD Help with ADHD Symptoms?

While research on CBD and ADHD is limited, some parents report improvements in attention and hyperactivity. Like some anxiety, this is perhaps linked to CBD’s action of calming the nervous system and the brain’s stress response.

However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness in managing ADHD symptoms. As always, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before using CBD for any condition.

Is CBD for Kids Living with Autism Safe to Use?

Using similar chemical pathways as noted for ADHD, preliminary studies suggest that CBD may help alleviate anxiety and behavioral issues in children with autism.

Remember, research is still in its early stages. As a parent, work closely with your child’s healthcare team and consider the holistic picture of your child’s needs.

Is CBD Legal?

Great question! In the U.S., CBD derived from hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) is legal at the federal level, though state regulations may vary.

It is up to you as a parent to understand your state’s specific laws and regulations regarding CBD use in general and for children in particular.

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Picture of Maree Machin

Maree Machin

Maree Machin, founder of Calm-a-Calm, offers practical solutions for managing anxiety and stress. With a background in allied health and helping professions, Maree's expertise helps individuals of all ages navigate emotional health challenges effectively.

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